Wednesday, December 19, 2012

★ Custom Painted Initial Canvas.

DIY Gifting Custom Painted Initial Canvas

DIY Gifting: Custom Painted Initial Canvas for Baby 

DIY Gifting: Custom Painted Initial Canvas for Baby What you'll need... 
- Canvas  
- Acrylic paints
- Paint brushes... cups for water & mixing paints
- White colored pencil






1.If you don't find the exact color you're looking for in one tube, make your own by mixing like colors.  
2. Add a little water and stir until blended well into the color you like
3.Paint your entire canvas, including your edges and let dry. 
4.Acrylic paints are water-based and dry pretty quickly! {rinse off your brushes after use}
5.created polka-dots with a rubber wine cork
6.Space them however you like or begin at the center and work out like a grid.
7.Use a paint brush to touch them up and fill in the gaps

8. Using a white colored pencil, lightly draw out your letter. ***You may also create or use a stencil if you don't trust your free-hand skills
9. Mix your pink and carefully paint your letter
10.Use a fine brush to touch it up... Once dry, you may need another coat so save your paint just in case!

NOTICED : Your paints may dry a bit darker than they look wet

DIY Gifting: Custom Painted Initial Canvas for Baby 


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